Note: Programming jobs are used by CyberLock Programmers and Grand Masters as a means of configuring selected groups of CyberLocks. Both CyberLock Programmers and Grand Masters are discontinued products superseded by Gen2 CyberKeys which have better capacity to program CyberLocks. CyberLock Programmers and Grand Master CyberKeys are limited to CyberLock lists of 1250 locks and 15 configuration sets. Programming jobs must be enabled for the account in the Manage section to make this page available.
Click on a record in the list to bring up the operations menu.
Properties - Brings up the properties page for editing the job.
Locks in Job - Brings up a report listing the locks as they will be loaded into the Grand Master or Programmer.
Journal - Shows a journal of changes for the selected job.
Related Topics:
Downloading CyberLocksLocks
Grand Master
Programming Locks