
Instructions for Downloading CyberLocks using a CyberKey

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..//assets/img/kb/cyberlock.png Instructions for Downloading CyberLocks using a CyberKey

Select CyberKeys from the Keys menu. Key Menu
Click on the key that is to download a lock and select "Properties." People Operations
Click on the "locks to Download" link.

Note: Allow user keys to download locks must be enabled in subsystem preferences.
Click either "All accessible locks and CyberPoints" or on the "This lock or CyberPoint" radio button and select the desired lock or CyberPoint from the drop-down list. Lock to Download
Click "Save". Save Button
Update the key. CyberLink2.png
Touch the CyberLock or CyberPoint with the key. The key will chatter indicating it is downloading the lock. It will stop chattering when finished. progLock.jpg
Update the key again to download the events into the database. Station-Encoder.png

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