
Adding and Programming CyberLocks with a Grand Master

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..//assets/img/kb/ssGMkey.png Adding and Programming CyberLocks with a Grand Master

Note: Grand Master CyberKeys are no longer manufactured.

Update GM

To add locks with a Grand Master:

Update GM Job Number
1 Important! Do not touch any locks until the Grand Master is configured with CyberAudit-Web.
Add the Grand Master to the CyberAudit-Web system with the option to program new locks with one touch. Place the GM key's IR port in line-of-sight to the IR Encoder or insert it into the USB Station. If not already running, launch the CyberLink 2 program. Leave the field blank and click 'OK' when prompted for a job number. CyberLink 2 will update the Grand Master with the access codes for the cylinders.
2 Place a serial number label on the cylinder and the location sheet. Write the location the cylinder will be installed. Then touch the Grand Master to a cylinder. It will emit a buzz. A second touch will cause the Grand Master to siren. This is a normal and expected response.
Location Sheet
3 Now, the Grand Master contains the serial numbers of each newly programmed cylinder it contacted. If not still running, launch CyberLink from the title bar and place the GM key's IR port in line-of-sight to the IR Encoder or insert it into the USB Station. The CyberLink program will download the serial numbers of all the cylinders touched in the last step into the database. They will now be visible from the Locks page without change icons. Refer to the location sheet to name the locks in CyberAudit-Web.

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