
CyberLock Properties

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..//assets/img/kb/cyberlock.png CyberLock Properties

This page displays the properties for an individual CyberLock and allows them to be edited.
  • Lock ID - The unique ID or serial number of the CyberLock. This cannot be edited. The CyberLock can, however, be replaced by clicking on the link.
  • Date added to system - the date when the lock serial number was added to the system. If the lock is replaced with another serial number, the date of that replacement will be shown.
  • Name - An identifier for the lock. The name selected here will also be displayed in the audit trail data downloaded from CyberKeys or downloaded from the CyberLock.
  • Item ID - An identifier for the CyberLock record.
  • Subsystem - (CyberLock Blue only) Assigns a subsystem to the lock to define the set of holidays used for scheduled access.
  • Last Battery Change - (CyberLock Blue only) CyberAudit-Web records when a CyberLock Blue is added to the system and can also capture when the battery was last changed. Check the box in this page to enter a new date for the battery change and enter a day, month, and year. This date may also be updated using the CyberAudit Link app.
  • Current Photo- A picture of the lock may be uploaded to appear under the Current Photo section of this page.
    Working with Pictures
  • Reset - Checking this box tells CyberAudit-Web that the CyberLock is to be reset. This will clear all access codes from the lock and return it to factory settings after programming it.
  • Enable Gen2 mode - Gen2 CyberLocks can take advantage of additional features in Gen2 mode. This checkbox appears or is enabled when a known Generation 2 CyberLock serial number is entered in the Lock ID field. Gen2 CyberLocks have serial numbers beginning with 'L50' for standard models and 'L31' for RoHS models.
  • Subsystem Code - The Subsystem Code is displayed on this page. If the lock has a Subsystem Code, it can not be changed without first resetting the lock.
  • Access Codes - Access Codes may be changed here. CyberAudit-Web will prevent the change if an access code change is already pending for the lock.
  • Mode / Delay - Mode / Delay determines how the lock will interact with keys. (This setting does not appear for CyberLock Blue.
  • Additional Fields - Data in any additional fields created in global preferences are shown and may be edited.


Tag information is also displayed on this page. Use the item chooser to add or remove association to tags. In the picture above, the Section 19E lock is associated with the Utilities tag.

Geographic Location
If the system has been enhanced with the Maps and Location Graphics SEM, a geolocation may be entered here for the CyberLock. Degrees of latitude or longitude may be entered with a precision of up to 11 decimal places.

Disabling point for lost keys
If this lock is a disabling point for any lost keys, they will be displayed here. Use the item chooser to add or remove keys that should be disabled by this lock.

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