
People Tags

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..//assets/img/kb/tag.png People Tags

People tags are used to group keyholders together both for management and function.


Table Fields:

  • link.png Indicates a tag that is linked to an Active Directory/Azure AD group.
  • Tag Name - The name assigned to the people tag.
  • People with this Tag - The number of people associated with the tag.

Clicking the link in the "People with this Tag" column generates a report showing the people with that tag. For example, clicking the people count of 4> in the "Maintenance" row will generate the report below.


Operations - Adding and editing People Tags require permissions to Edit personnel and Edit the matrix because changing people tags can affect access to locks.

Clicking in a row in the list of people tags will display a drop-down menu of options that includes:
  • Props icon Properties - Displays the details of the people tag.
  • showInMatrix.gifShow in Matrix - Opens the Access Matrix with a filter applied for only the selected tag.
  • Audit icon Audit Report - Generates an audit trail report for People associated with the tag.
  • ..//assets/img/kb/report.png Comm Log - Generates a report of key status logged by communicators when a CyberKey is downloaded for all keys associated with this tag.
  • people_24.gif People Tagged - Opens the People window with a filter applied to show only the people associated with this tag.
  • cyberlock.png Accessible Locks - Generates a report showing the CyberLocks that are accessible through Issued Keys, Missions, or Vaults.
  • //assets/img/kb/journal.png Journal - Brings up the Journal of Changes to view a list of edits on the People Tag current record.

Note: With Dynamic Tags enabled, an additional column is displayed showing tag Type; Static or Dynamic.

Related Topics:

Add People and CyberKeys
Tag Definition

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