
The People List Page

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..//assets/img/kb/people_pair_1.png The People List Page


This page displays information about people in the system with links to the keys and tags.

Table Fields:


  • Page Navigation is controlled by page navigation tools.
    They enable browsing to the first and last pages, selecting a page to jump to, or the number of people per page.

  • toolbar - Use the toolbar to add a new record, remove a record, or manage visibiility.
  • printer.svg - Click this button to create a printable people and key report for the current list.

Clicking in a non-linked section of a People record will display a drop-down menu of operations:


  • properties icon Properties - Displays editable details of the selected person.
  • cyberkey.png Key Properties - Goes to the list of CyberKeys and Missions issued to the selected person.
  • rfcard Card Properties - Goes to the properties of the RFID access card issued to the selected person. This menu item will not display if the RFID access cards have not been enabled in subsystem preferences.
  • matrix.png Show in Matrix - Displays the Access Matrix with a filter applied for the selected person to display the tags and locks this person and this person's tags may access.
  • cyberlock.png Accessible Locks - Generates a report showing the CyberLocks that are accessible through Issued Keys, Missions, or Vaults.
  • bluetooth_padlock.png Cyber Access - A set of sub-menus for sending a link to the selected person to use the Cyber Access app for access to Bluetooth accessible devices.
  • Audit icon Audit Report - Generates a lock access audit trail logged for the person.
  • ..//assets/img/kb/report.png Comm Log - Generates a report of key status for keys issued to this person. The report includes data logged by communicators when a CyberKey is downloaded.
  • mission.png Mission Log - Generates a report showing the missions that have been checked-out and checked in by the selected person plus data logged by the communicator when the mission was checked-in.
  • //assets/img/kb/journal.png Journal - Brings up the Journal of Changes to view a list of edits on the current record.
  • book.png Notebook - A set of sub-menus for adding or viewing notebook entries.

filterIcon.png A filter is available to reduce the list of people displayed.

Related Topics:
Add a Person
Downloading Locks
Information About CyberKeys
Lost Keys
People Tags
Updating Keys

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