
Transition Guide

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..//assets/img/kb/accessCode.png Steps to transition CyberLocks with a subsystem code to rolling access

For CyberLocks already programmed and installed, a CyberLock Programmer II used with an Android PDA will be the most efficient means of transitioning CyberLocks. Other methods require carrying both a reset key and a programming key to each lock then downloading each.

  1. Ensure all CyberLock change icons are clear.

  2. In global settings, enable Allow locks with no Subsystem Code, and enable Change lock access codes. Consider all the steps below and set workable times to complete the full process.
  3. Create a reset key for the current subsystem code.

  4. Create a new access code with 'Periodically Roll This Access Code' enabled. NOTE: Ensure your account allows creating access codes from a remote browser by checking this box...

    accessCodesRemoteOption.png database General Settings in the Manage Section.

  5. Assign some locks to this access code. This will set the change icon for each of the locks.

  6. Add an Android phone or PDA that supports the CyberLock Programmer II as a Portable Link following these steps. After the Android device is issues, connect the CyberLock Programmer II to it. If the device is compatible this option will appear:


  7. Insert the reader into a CyberLock and hold firmly to maintain good contact. Follow the CyberAudit Link instructions.

After the initial transition steps are complete, CyberAudit-Web will automatically generate a new access code after the number of days in the period has passed or when all locks are known to have received the new access code, whichever occurs last.

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