This option enables locks set to be Multikey mode to require each person to have a different schedule to gain access. Each person needs to have access at the time the lock is contacted and the schedules allowing access need to be different for each.
For example, a casino may want to ensure different groups of personnel attend each opening of a safe. These groups include security, accounting, and management. Each of these groups have a different schedule but allow access to the safe lock at the same time period. The safe lock would have a Multikey setting for 3 keys and require each key to have a different schedule.
This feature imposes a strict limit of 49 total schedules used in access lists in the entire system (database).
If this is not set, individual keys are limited to 49 schedules, but the system as a whole can have hundreds of schedules.
Changing this setting will require that all locks with multi-key access be reprogrammed. All keys will also need to be updated.
Note: Multi-Key Access is not supported by CyberLock Blue.