
Database Settings

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..//assets/img/kb/database.png Database Settings


Use Database Settings to control account servicing, backups, and other configurations. Database Settings is divided into several sections accessible by a selector.

General Settings
Data Trimming
Formatted Events
Hosting Options
Home Page

General Settings

This section configures the selected database or account.
  • Service this database - Determines whether or not to use the database for CyberAudit-Web. Only databases that are being serviced have their settings stored.
  • Account Name - A user friendly version of the database name. For systems with multiple accounts, the account name is used at the login page.
  • Suspend this account temporarily - Determines if the database is active. Only active databases can be logged into or have any operating (communicators) interact with them.
  • Daily Backup - This determines if the contents of the database will be backed up daily to the /var/caw-backups folder on CentOS 7 servers. Backup files are stored as gzipped sql files and their names take the form of {DB Name}-{day of the week}-0-0-.cbk.gz. An example file name is "webca-Mon-0-0-.cbk.gz".
  • Gen 2 CyberKeys and Communicators only - Check this box if only Gen 2 CyberLock Products will be used with this account. This will hide all references to Legacy communicators and CyberKeys.
  • Enable Programming Jobs - Check this box if Programming Jobs will be used with this account.
  • Enable Key Rings - Check this box if key rings will be used with this account.
  • Enable CyberPoints - Check this box if CyberPoints will be used with this account.
  • Allow adding and editing access codes from a remote browser - Access codes may only be added and edited by a top level administrator. This may be further restricted to require the administrator to be logged in to CyberAudit-Web by 'localhost' on their browser. Unchecking this box imposes that restriction.
  • Support Foreign Locks - Check this box to enable using Foreign Locks on this account.
  • Enable Text Messaging - Check this box to make the connected text message service available to this account.
  • Delete Empty Access Lists Daily - Check this box to cause CyberAudit-Web to do delete any empty access lists found in the account after a daily scan.
  • View Mode - Determines whether the account will use Access Lists or the Access Matrix. This toggle is intended for new systems. Changing view mode from Access Lists to Matrix mode is prevented in some cases where certain data and settings are in place.
  • System will contain only FlashLocks and fobs - Checking this box hids references to CyberKeys, CyberLocks, and their settings and communicators. The checkbox only appears when the FlashLocks SEM, is present on the system, FlashLocks and fobs are enabled in the Hosting Options tab, and the system is toggled to Matrix mode.
  • Rebuild Sync Catalog - Forces CyberAudit-Web to recalculate all information cached for gen2 communicators and keys. This might be useful for troubleshooting.

Data Trimming Formatted Events
Communicators Hosting Options Home Page

Data Trimming


Audit data trimming is an automatic method whereby older audit data records are removed from the database and stored in a CSV text file.

General Settings
Formatted Events
Hosting Options
Home Page

Formatted Events Catalog


Audit event data can be made available via a separate database or catalog. A JDBC or ODBC connection may then be established for viewing the data.

General Settings
Data Trimming
Hosting Options
Home Page



This section sets defaults and enables using the various web client communicators in the selected account. Alternatively these settings may instead be controlled within subsystem preferences.
The page includes toggles for these communicators:
Portable Links (PCs and Cell Phones)
WebStation 2
The Flex System
Web Authorizers
Default Flex II Inputs and Outputs
Vault 20S and ValidiKey Vaults
ValidiKey Stations
Enter the URL of the CyberAudit-Web server. This is the address the communicators above will use to contact the server to check-in and get their instructions.

The Web Client Update Frequency controls how often the communicators check-in. The control on this page sets a default value for the communicators in the account. In addition, each communicator has an individual controls both for server URL and update frequency.

General Settings
Data Trimming
Formatted Events
TLS Certificate Criteria for CyberKey Air2
Hosting Options
Home Page

Hosting Options


This section enables toggling any installed Software Enhancement Modules to make them available to the account. This option only appears on hosting systems.

A checkbox and input enables limiting the number of people which may be added to an account.

Hosting providers may also set an expiration date for an account and choose to send an email a set number of days before expiration and to disable the account some number of days after expiration. The hosting provider must update the date entry if their customer renews account servicing.

General Settings
Data Trimming
Formatted Events
TLS Certificate Criteria for CyberKey Air2
Home Page

Home Page

Home Page Customization

This section configures Home Page Customization. Here, the administrator can re-arrange the widget layout of the Home Page for each individual account. Templates can be used to save and load custom layout configurations.

Home Page Manage in Global Prefs

This preference enables the toplevel administrator to access the Home Page Editor from a client context (outside the Manage section). Whether or not this preference is enabled or disabled, the Home Page Editor can be accessed from the Manage section.

General Settings
Data Trimming
Formatted Events
TLS Certificate Criteria for CyberKey Air2
Hosting Modules

Manage System Context Help Articles

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