
Server Logs

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..//assets/img/kb/computer.png Server Logs

CyberAudit-Web logs messages and errors to the global database for viewing. These logs enable monitoring and troubleshooting by the CyberAudit-Web system administrator.

mnuServerLogs.png CyberAudit-Web logs are accessible from the Server Logs menu in the Manage section. Click on a record and then click Details from the menu to bring up a stack trace to provide for support on an issue.
Two buttons are available for CyberAudit-Web logs.
  • Delete All Log Messages - CyberAudit-Web periodically trims these logs to 10000. They are informational only, not needed for normal operations, and may be deleted if desired.
  • Silence "System Health" Warning - Clicking this button adds a "checkpoint" in the logs that turns off a "System Health Warning."
A filter is available to reduce the list of logs based on these criteria:
  • Messages since - Whenever the server boots up, a "checkpoint" is written to the logs. The number of messages may be reduced by only viewing messages recorded since these "checkpoints."
  • Database Filter - Messages logged to the database may be filtered by database. The list of active databases is available from the drop-down list.
  • Entry Type - A filter for the category of log record.


mnuLoginFailures.png CyberAudit-Web logs any login failures. The account and login are displayed as well as the date and time of the failure and the source IP.

These logs are informational only, not needed for normal operations. They may be deleted by clicking DELETE ALL LOGIN FAILURE MESSAGES.


mnuTomcatLogs.png Tomcat is the application that runs CyberAudit-Web. It logs its output to the catalina.out text file. This file can be another source for troubleshooting. Once per week the catalina file is compressed using gzip and a new catalina.out file is created. The archived gzipped catalina.out files may also be viewed or emailed.

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