The code which communicates via HTTPS with Twilio is a Python program. The program is named "send-sms" and is included with each deployment in the CyberAuditWeb.war. It extracts to the /usr/bin folder.
If you wish to customize or troubleshoot
this Python program you can copy it to a different path
on your server and set the sms.program option in the
/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/CyberAuditWeb.properties file.
(/usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/CyberAuditWeb.properties on a CentOS 6 server)
For example:
Make sure the program is marked executable and is readable by the tomcat user. For security it would be wise to make it only writable by root.
Although the Python script is written to work with Twilio, an experienced developer could adapt it to use a different text messaging service such as nexmo.com.