
CyberKey Product Info

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..//assets/img/kb/cyberkey.png CyberKey Product Info

CyberKeys are electronic keys used to operate CyberLocks. There are two  families  of CyberKeys, each with a set of common features and capabilities.

  Generation 1 CyberKeys CyberKey X Generation 2 CyberKeys
  Generation 1 CyberKeys are based on the CyberKey design architecture revision from 2003. CyberKey X is a hybrid of Generation 1 and Generation 2 CyberKeys. It features increased Audit Trail and Lock List capacity compared to Gen 1 keys but does not offer the lock programming capabilities of Gen 2 keys. Generation 2 CyberKeys are a new, more capable design of CyberKey that originated in 2014 with CyberKey Air and CyberKey Plus in 2016.
Audit Trail Capacity 4000 12000 12000
Lock List Capacity 3300 1 12000 2 12000 2
Lock Download Capacity 3 100 3 250 3  7
Can program new locks with one touch     check_green.png
Lock Programming Set Capacity 1 1 1000
Communicators IR Encoder 10 4
USB Station
Web Authorizer
Flex and Flex II Systems
Vault 20S
IR Encoder 10
USB Station
Web Authorizer
Flex II
IR Encoder 10 5
USB Station
Web Authorizer 6
Flex II
1 with up to 700 audit trail records
2 with locklist expansion SEM
3 with lock list size of 500 locks and audit trail of 1000 events
4 requires CyberKey with IR transceiver
5 CyberKey Air2, CyberKey Flash, CyberKey USB, CyberKey Blue 3, CyberKey Blue 2, and CyberKey X II
6 Programming instructions for Generation 2 CyberKeys are not cached on an original model Web Authorizer.
7 CyberKey X II and CyberKey Go - 100 lock downloads
CyberKey Blue has the same durable nylon-based plastic case with replaceable brass tip as the Standard CyberKey but has a rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery. A Bluetooth® compatible module enables them to communicate to CyberAudit-Web using a PDA/cell phone with compatible Bluetooth components.
  • Battery fully charges in two hours and provides up to two days of use.
Note: CyberKey Blue is no longer manufactured. It is superseded by CyberKey Blue 2 and CyberKey Blue 3
CK-IR7 CyberKeys are made of durable nylon-based plastic and have a replaceable brass tip. They are powered with a replaceable CR-2 lithium battery. An indicator light shows battery power and key activation. A speaker makes tones indicating access, no access, and communication.
  • Battery Life - 2000 to 5000 openings, depending on settings and battery.
/assets/img/kb/CK-RXD.png CK-RXD2b.png
CyberKey Rechargeables (CK-RCG and CK-RXD) are made with a durable fiber nylon case with brass tip. They have a rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery, and use red and green LEDs to provide feedback to the key holder on access events and key status.
  • Battery fully charges in two hours and provides up to 500 openings per charge
  • Overall battery life - 3 to 4 years.
Note: CK-RCG, CK-RXD models are no longer manufactured. They are superseded by CyberKey Plus and CyberKey USB.
The CyberKey II (CK-RXD2) has the same durable nylon-based plastic case as the other CyberKeys and has the same rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery as the CK-RXD CyberKey Rechargeable. In addition it ...
  • Has a standard micro USB port
  • Can be charged using the USB port
  • Can communicate to CyberAudit-Web using CyberLink via the USB port
  • Has both LEDs and a beeper, for visual and audio feedback
  • Does not have infrared for communication
Note: CK-RXD2 is no longer manufactured. It is superseded by CyberKey USB.
CK-X2Small.png Like the CK-IR7 CyberKey, CyberKey X is made of durable nylon-based plastic and has a replaceable brass tip. It is powered with a replaceable CR-2 lithium battery. An indicator light shows battery power and key activation. A speaker makes tones indicating access, no access, and communication.
  • Battery Life - 2000 to 5000 openings, depending on settings and battery.
  • Generation 2 CyberKeys

    CyberKey Air
    CyberKey Plus
    CyberKey Blue 2
    CyberKey Flash
    CyberKey Air2

    CyberKey USB
    CyberKey Blue 3

    CyberKey X II

    CyberKey Go

    CyberKey Air, CyberKey Plus, CyberKey Blue 2, CyberKey Flash, CyberKey Air2, CyberKey USB, CyberKey Blue 3, CyberKey X II, and CyberKey Go are Generation 2 CyberKeys. All come with the same durable fiber nylon case and replaceable brass tip. Red and Blue LEDs (Red LED on CyberKey X II) combine with a multi-tone beeper to provide feedback to the key holder.

      CyberKey USB and CyberKey Blue 3 ...
    • have a standard micro USB port for charging and communications
    • can communicate to CyberAudit-Web using CyberLink 2 via the USB port
    • have both LEDs and a beeper, for visual and audio feedback. The LEDs in the back of the key make it ideal for use with CyberKey Vaults.
    • have an infrared port in the tip which may be used with an IR Encoder for communication

    CyberKey Air and CyberKey Air2 have wireless radios that provides connectivity to WPA2 PSK wireless LANs to enable the key to upload audit trail and update operating instructions.

    CyberKey Blue2, CyberKey Blue3, CyberKey Go, and CyberKey Flash have Bluetooth® radios that enable them to connect to portable devices running the CyberAudit Link application.

    CyberKey Flash and CyberKey Air2 add a multi-line display with buttons to show a customizable menu of function and status operations. Both have IR transceivers in their key tips and can open FlashLocks (requires the FlashLock SEM). They can also open Doors via a Flex II FlashReader (requires the Door Support Module). In addition, CyberKey Flash can be a 13.56MHz RFID Access Card tag.

    CyberKey Blue 3 has a button that when pressed and released, turns on the Bluetooth radio for 45 seconds. And like CyberKey Flash and CyberKey Air 2, pressing and holding the button for 1 second will cause CyberKey Blue 3 to look for a FlashLock or Door for two seconds via the infrared tranceiver in its key tip.

    CyberKey X II and CyberKey Go are powered with a replaceable CR-2 lithium battery.

    All CyberKeys have memory that contains encrypted access codes, a list of locks it may access, schedules of dates and times for accessing locks, and a begin/end date range during which the key will operate. A CyberKey also contains an audit trail of up to 3,900 access events (12,000 with CyberKey X and Generation 2 CyberKeys). Each time the key touches a CyberLock, it records the lock ID, date, time, and authorization status.

    CyberKeys communicate to CyberAudit-Web
    ...through the tip when placed in a making an infrared connection when they have an IR port via an

    ...via the Bluetooth® radio on CyberKey Blue, CyberKey Blue2, CyberKey Flash, CyberKey Blue 3, and CyberKey Go when used with the CyberAudit Link app

    ...or directly by wifi on CyberKey Air and CyberKey Air2.

    These documents are common to all keys:
    CyberKey Product Info
    Rechargeable Battery Management
    CyberLock Cleaning
    Tips for Using a CyberKey

    Additional Features:

    • CyberKeys can generate a denied event in both the key memory and lock memory.
    • All CyberKeys can record when it was removed from a lock.
    • Generation 1, CyberKey X, and Generation 2 Cyberkey beepers can be disabled.

    Additional Features with CyberAudit-Web Enterprise:

    • A key can use multiple schedules per lock.
    • Schedules can expire independently.


    • Operating Temperature - 32° to 122° F; 0° to 50° C
    • Operating Conditions - Keep key dry. If exposed to water, remove battery from replaceable battery CyberKeys or cap from CyberKey Rechargeables and allow key to dry completely before use.
    • Number of Locks per Key - Up to 3300 locks can be accessed with a Generation 1 CyberKey. A Generation 2 CyberKey and CyberKey X can store up to 12000 lock list entries using the Lock list Expansion SEM.
    • A Master key has no limit to the number of locks it can access.
    • Access Schedules - Schedules programmed into CyberKeys provide complete control over specific days and times that a key will operate. A CyberKey can use up to 49 different schedules to access locks.
    • Holidays may be set as exceptions to the schedules.
    • Audit Capacities - A CyberKey remembers up to 4000 events with date and time (12000 with Generation 2 CyberKeys and CyberKey X). It can be set to keep only the most recent set of events or to stop operating when its audit trail is full.
    • Electronic Security Features - Key Expiration - a begin/end date range can be set during which the key will work.
    • A key retains its audit trail if the power is interrupted.
    • Electronic Rekeying - Rekeying a system is done via the software; no need to install new locks and issue new keys.

    Related Topics:

    Add a Key
    CyberKey Documents
    Lost Key Help
    CyberAudit Link

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