
Granting Access in Access List Mode

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..//assets/img/kb/accessList.png Granting Access to Locks, Doors, and Vaults in Access List Mode

CyberKeys and fobs are used to open CyberLocks and FlashLocks. They verify their access permissions by checking a list of locks and schedules loaded into their memory. A person may have multiple CyberKeys or fobs, each with different access permissions. A person may also be issued a virtual CyberKey called a mission that allows them to check out a CyberKey from a vault.

Other items such as vaults and doors are opened by RFID access cards, door access numbers, or with a mobile app. FlashLocks and CyberLock Blue may also be opened by a mobile device. In these cases, access is granted directly to the person rather than to a key or fob.

..//assets/img/kb/cyberkey.png Access Permissions for CyberKeys and fobs
accessToLock There are four ways to grant lock access to a CyberKey or fob:
  • Master Key Mode - This method assigns an access code to the key which it will use for master access. When it contacts a lock it will first attempt to find the lock serial in its list of locks. If that serial is not found, it will attempt to open the lock using the assigned access code. Master keys must be enabled in CyberKey subsystem preferences for this option to be available.
  • Direct Lock Assignments - Access permissions are assigned directly to the CyberKey or fob. Direct Lock Access Assignments must be enabled in CyberKey subsystem preferences for this option to be available.

  • Access List Assignments - Access Lists are re-usable lists that may be assigned to any number of CyberKeys or Fobs. Any number of access lists may be assigned as long as the total number of entries in the lock list doesn't exceed the lock list capacity of the device.

  • Temporary Access - Temporary Access enables granting access to a selected set of locks for a set period of time. The Temporary Access form provides a simple way to grant it. However temporary access may also be granted using an access list with a temporary schedule.

CyberKey or fob access

Both Access Lists and Direct Lock Assignments use a three-column item chooser in which locks are paired with schedules. In addition lock tags can aggregate locks so that one pairing with a schedule enables access to many locks.

A three-column item chooser for an Access List

..//assets/img/kb/rfcard.png Access Permissions for RFID Cards

RFID access cards enable access to Doors and vaults. However there are different implications between the two.

Doors Vaults
Each RFID card issued to a person is a credential for that person. It will enable them to gain access to all doors they have permission to open. Like with doors, RFID cards are a credential to gain access to all vaults the person has permission to open. However when checking out a CyberKey or key ring from the vault requires a mission. Attach a mission to an RFID card in the RFID Card Properties page.

Access permissions to Doors and Vaults are granted directly to people and people tags in their respective list pages by choosing door_in.png Direct Access from the click menu.

..//assets/img/kb/mobilePhone.jpg Access Permissions for Android and iOS Mobile Devices

Android and iOS smartphones enable access to devices which use Bluetooth® and Flash technologies. These include FlashLocks, CyberLock Blue and Doors with Flex II FlashReaders.

Like Doors and Vaults, Bluetooth and Flash access is granted directly to people via the door_in.png Direct Access click menu item.

Granting Direct Access to CyberLock Blue
Granting Direct Access to FlashLocks

Finally the user must register their Android or iOS smartphone as a credential in the system. This is started by sending an email or text message to the user.

Setting Up Cyber Access
Links for Flash Access

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